Arabia Grand Temple and Court - Desert of Georgia

“Keep on pushing, Can’t stop now!”

Arabia's Prayer Box

1 Thessalonians 5:11 — “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.”

Upcoming Events

Meet Our Grand Potentate Noble Maroco Jones and Grand Illustrious Commandress, Daughter Linda Timmons

As the compact is aware, WE have gone through difficult times in our organization and in this mean world, but God is still in control.

We must first lift our heads up to be able to get up and get back in the race of life.

Victory belongs to us and not our enemies.

Nobles and Daughters keep claiming and trusting God, Georgia be strong and have courage to not be intimidated.

Don’t give your enemy a second thought because God; your God is striving ahead of you.

He is right there with you; he won’t let you down or leave you.  

Grand Potentate Maroco Jones

Gala 2023, Joint Meeting in Rome

Gala 2023, Banquet and Capping Ceremony